Leveraging Technology to Increase Your Phone Productivity

As a real estate professional, you spend a lot of time on the phone. It might even feel like that little device is practically an extension of your arm. It never stops ringing and you never stop dialing, because that’s all a part of the always changing and non-stop world of selling real estate.

If we said we could help you quadruple your phone efficiency, you’d probably put it down long enough to read the rest of this article, right? Well, we are telling you just that.

We love efficiency!

Here at AOL we are all about efficiency. The more time you have on your hands the more clients you can take on and ultimately the more money you’ll have in your pocket. So, yes, we think it’s pretty darn important. And technology is one of the best ways to increase efficiency and decrease the time spent performing mundane tasks.

Since being on the phone is one of those activities that can be a serious time suck, we’ll start there today. How would you like to save valuable time on those important daily calls you make to prospects, clients and referral partners?

The basics of savvy phone usage

What does your phone set up look like? If we could guess it probably looks like an iPhone in one hand while juggling a Starbucks in the other… and maybe driving with your knee as you speed off to another showing?

While we don’t condone closing business while driving, we also encourage you to commit some of your valuable time to making those important calls from your efficient set up at your company or home office. First of all, you’ll be more focused and present, but you’ll also benefit from a layout designed around efficiency.

The importance of a headset

It may sound simple, but you’ll be surprised what a difference a hands-free headset can make when it comes to your productivity on the phone. If you’re using a traditional phone while sitting at the desk of your home or company office, you’re essentially chained to your desk. And your potential clients or prospects may be able to hear that through the phone. The Monday afternoon lull or the post-lunch sleepiness is surprisingly transparent on the phone, and sitting at your desk won’t exactly help the situation.

Having a wireless headset allows you to get up, walk around, wave your hands in the air with reckless abandon… and that energy will absolutely come through on the other end. Ultimately, motion creates emotion and the same is true for walking around and smiling with someone on the phone. The person on the other line will be attracted to that kind of energy . And the longer your prospect is on the phone with you, the more time you’ve been given to turn them into more than just a potential client.

Using a dialer for a lightning speed process

Now that you’re all set with your hands-free headset, wandering around the office spreading that great energy, it’s time to upgrade your dialing process . You probably had no idea that your dialing process needed to be upgraded too, did you?

A dialer is so much more than an upgraded way of dialing phone numbers. It’s software that allows you to rapidly and easily dial your contacts from a database or list so that you don’t have to manually pick up your phone, look up the number, and dial.

Actually, you don’t even have to hang up. Once you’re done with your current call the dialer will automatically move to the next contact in your list and dial for you. That way, as you’re getting those steps in during your routine calls to prospects you won’t be interrupted by having to run back to your desk to look up your next phone number.

How does the dialer know who to call?

It may be that you already have this convenience right under your nose in the form of your CRM (customer relationship management tool). Many times, a CRM will already have a dialer built in, and will even automatically log your call history, cutting down on even one more step. CINC is a great option if you’re looking for a CRM with a built-in dialer.

If your CRM doesn’t have a built-in dialer it may still have the option to integrate with others. For example, Follow Up Boss CRM has an integration with Mojo dialer . The system syncs any new CRM additions with your dialer so you don’t have to transfer over new contact details.

And how else can I automate my calling processes?

“But wait, there’s more!” Surprisingly, there is! With everyone, including your prospects, leading busy lives and crazy schedules you’ll likely be leaving a lot of voicemails. Constantly recording voicemails for your potential clients will get repetitive, and that will likely show up in your tone of voice.

The best thing? Record your enthusiastic and energetic voicemail when you’re fresh, and let your dialer leave that poised and planned voicemail every time. Here’s an example of a script to use for your next great voicemail.

Hi this is John Doe from XYZ real estate brokerage (or mortgage company). I helped you with your home in the past. [by keeping it vague as “helped you with your home” – it works for buyers, sellers, refinances, etc.] I just wanted to give you a quick thanks for letting me help you. If you ever have any real estate or mortgage questions, please give me a call. The best number to reach me is ____.

Hope all is well and hope to talk to you soon. Oh, also, if you have any friends or family members that could use some honest help, can I count on you to just give me a call about that too? I would be honored to help out. I’ll talk to you when you call back. Again, my number is _______.

Don’t like leaving voicemails? Let your dialer respond with an equally well-crafted e-mail instead. Can you imagine how much time you’ll save not looking up prospects, dialing, leaving voicemails and sending follow up e-mails? Imagine how many more houses you could sell with that kind of automation working overtime for you.

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